Good morning everyone! Welcome to the official Breezy Creek Ranch website, store, and blog! I'm so excited that this is finally all falling into place and the website is live for everyone to see! Bradley and I started our farm 5 and a half years ago with big dreams it would become something great but we never imagined it would take the shape it has. Life is pretty amazing sometimes.
I'm going to keep this post short but I wanted to give everyone a brief look at what we've got in store for this blog. Our farm and business journey has been incredible and it grows everyday. We always get comments and compliments from friends, family, and customers about how they wish they could do what we do or learn what we know. You can! We wanted to develop this blog into a resource and insight of sorts, a look into the behind the scenes of our lives. Here we plan to include everything from recipes for delicious, healthy meals, to tips and tricks on raising livestock, to videos of us building leather products, making soap, or forging knives, to just thoughts on life and living it simply and happily. All of these things we are very passionate about and want to be able to share it with you!
Please check back often for updates as our site is still under some construction (it's a lot of work building a site on your own! lol). We plan on one or two blog posts per week. Follow our facebook page as well and we will post links and updates when new blogs posts are up or items have been added to the online store. Meanwhile, enjoy the adorable picture below of one of our new bottle calves. Happy Friday!